Dr. Gabriella Pusztai – General Manager (General Cultural Centre of Kunszentmárton), Historian and Museologist
e-mail: gabriella.pusztai64@muzeumatomlocben.t-online.hu
Krisztián Hegedűs – Museum Director, Historian, Ethnographer and Museologist
e-mail: hegedus.krisztian@muzeumatomlocben.t-online.hu
Csilla Czakó-Habi – Historian and Museologist
e-mail: czako.habi.csilla@muzeumatomlocben.t-online.hu
Phone: +36 56/461-032
Mrs. Harangozó Éva Tóth – Museum Educator
e-mail: toth.eva@muzeumatomlocben.t-online.hu
Phone: +36 56/465-674
Beatrix Vass-Bathó – Nature Conservation Engineer and Museologist (on leave)
Mónika Ferenczi – Guard, Public Relations
e-mail: info@atomloc.hu
e-mail: titkarsag@muzeumatomlocben.t-online.hu
Phone: +36 56/461-518